What We’re Reading….(and what we want you to read too!)

We have been very fortunate to find some real gems in the literary world that pertain to adventure travel, hiking, mountain climbing and just getting out of your own comfort zone. We will be providing a short list with a brief description every so often of books we have come across that might inspire or confirm your love of adventure.


WALKING WITH GHOSTS IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Crossing the Kokoda Trail in the Last Wild Place on Earth – By Rick Antonson

In Walking With Ghosts in Papua New Guinea, Antonson brings to life a journey of physical and mental endurance in his signature fashion, blending fascinating historical context with the trials and tribulations of discoveries in faraway lands. (Inside jacket)

We had the golden opportunity to meet Rick at a speakers series held in Vancouver late last year. Listening to him speak brought us right back to our visit to Papua New Guinea and made us want to jump up and start comparing notes with him about our journey along Kokoda. Rick’s research and recounting of his journey along the Track is remarkable and a must read for anyone contemplating gifting themselves a visit to the Kokoda Track.


7 YEARS IN TIBETby Heinrich Harrer (with a message from the Dalai Lama)

A famous mountaineer and Olympic ski champion, Harrer was climbing in the Himalayas when the Second World War broke out in Europe. As an Austrian national he was imprisoned by the British in India but managed to escape from the internment camp and fled to Tibet and the forbidden city of Lhasa. This is a stunning story of incredible courage and self discovery set inside a mysterious and magnificent culture. (Back cover)

Love love love this story. It is a truly remarkable story of adventure and personal growth. We saw the movie (which made us immediately book a trip to Tibet) and then found the book in a little book shop in a remote village in Nepal … and we had to buy it of course!


LITTLE PRINCES by Conor Grennan

Little Princes is a true story of families and children, and what one person is capable of when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds. At turns tragic, joyful and hilarious, Little Princes is a testament to the power of faith and the ability of love to carry us beyond our wildest expectations. (Inside cover)

This is definitely a journey – for both the main character and for the reader. It is eye opening, touching and rewarding for everyone… with a twinge of heartbreak and regret thrown in too…. kind of like life.

OFF THE COUCH AND OUT THE DOOR: Finding Meaning in Midlife, One Adventure at a Time by Bob Foulkes and Bernie Lyon

Somewhere around middle age, inspired by his children and determined to overcome a life characterized by stress, ennui and more than one bad habit, Bob Foulkes sets out on his first big adventure. That Outward Bound trek through the Coast Mountains of British Columbia opened the door to a lifetime of adventures that have energized, enlivened and inspired him ever since. (Back cover)

This book will make you laugh out loud (we did!) because no matter where you are in your adventure journey you will be able to relate to Bob’s story. His adventure journey is truly amazing and completely relatable. Bob makes learning about having a life of adventure and being a newbie at all things adventure related completely okay and we love that! Everyone has to start somewhere and sometimes the hardest part is just getting out your own front door!

That’s it for now folks… if anyone has any book recommendations please feel free to contact us and we will most definitely check them out!



About Author

Deborah Campagnaro


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