It Takes a Village….

They say it takes a village to raise a child … and this is so true. So many people contribute to the learning and growth of a small human – from birth through to full on adulthood and beyond. Indigenous Kokoda Adventures is no different. Starting from scratch, learning from other people, getting suggestions and assistance (with practically everything!) and taking that first step out into the world …. scary stuff indeed!

There were many, many people who contributed to our ‘birth’ and and continue to help us grow and we would like to give our readers an opportunity to get to know some of them.

We are, understandably, very proud of our logo. We LOVE it and have had so much positive feedback about it that we just have to make our very first showcase blog post about the artist who created it for us – Joe Waragi, a local artist in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

We recently had the opportunity to have an e-chat with Joe and asked him some questions about his clearly obvious talent:

IKA: So Joe, have you always been an artist or is it something you have recently picked up?

J: Yes, I’ve been an artist my whole life.

IKA: Are you formally trained or self taught?

J: I studied in an art institution here in Papua New Guinea.

IKA: What sort of art forms are you trained in and what sort of art do you do regularly?

J: I do all art forms but most emphasis is on Graphic Design, Video and animation & Motion graphics.

IKA: What type of art excites you the most? What gets your artistic juices flowing Joe?

J: Video and Animation & Motion Graphics excites me the most (and I am still learning the skills!).

IKA: Where do you get your inspiration from?

J: I get my inspiration from some of the Innovation Summits I attend and also when I see the artwork of some of the art gurus on their own websites.

IKA: How do you begin a new piece or project? Do you just know or is it a process?

J: Yes, when I am out in a quiet environment I start to visualize what I am going to do before I start.

IKA: How and where did you find the inspiration for our absolutely stunning logo (can you tell we love it??!)

J: The potential opportunity of IKA’s trekking here in Papua New Guinea is enormous.  This is what inspired me to create IKA’s logo. (IKA: And we are so happy you did Joe!)


About Author

Deborah Campagnaro


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